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The Effect of Self-Compassion on Academic Burnout in Undergraduate Students 
Farisandy E. D. 1, Yulianto A. 1, Kinanti A. D. 1, Ayu B. A. 1
1 Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia


Background and Aim of Study: Due to high academic demands, undergraduate students are prone to academic burnout. Academic burnout is emotional exhaustion caused by the pressures of academic tasks. Having self-compassion can be a protective factor against academic burnout. When dealing with numerous academic pressures and demands, undergraduate students with high self-compassion will be able to see themselves and their situations positively, resulting in lower academic burnout. 
The aim of the study: to investigate the effect of self-compassion on academic burnout in undergraduate students in Indonesia.
Material and Methods: This study was conducted using the quantitative approach with a non-experimental design. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) was used to measure academic burnout (α=0.824), and the measurement of self-compassion used the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) (α=0.878), which has been adapted into the Indonesian language. A sample of undergraduate students in Indonesia between the ages of 17 and 25 was taken using the convenience sampling technique. This study used simple linear regression analysis.
Results: The regression analysis from data of 474 undergraduate students shows that there is a negative and significant effect of self-compassion on academic burnout in undergraduate students (R2=0.076, F=38.960, p<0.001). Furthermore, the variable of gender and a current semester each has a significant effect on academic burnout, but the finding reveals the opposite with the age variable.
Conclusions: Self-compassion has a negative effect on academic burnout in undergraduate students. This explains that an increase in self-compassion will be followed by reduction in academic burnout in undergraduate students.



self-compassion, academic burnout, undergraduate students, Indonesian universities, regression



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Information about the authors:

Farisandy Ellyana Dwi (Corresponding Author) – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2778-5907; Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.; Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, South Tangerang, Indonesia.

Yulianto Arieshttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0252-2876; Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, South Tangerang, Indonesia.

Kinanti Aulia Diazhttps://orcid.org/0009-0001-2063-222X; Department of Psychology, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, South Tangerang, Indonesia.

Ayu Bunga Adjenghttps://orcid.org/0009-0001-0428-2282; Department of Psychology, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, South Tangerang, Indonesia.

Cite this article as:


Farisandy, E. D., Yulianto, A., Kinanti, A. D., & Ayu, B. A. (2023). The effect of self-compassion on academic burnout in undergraduate students. International Journal of Science Annals, 6(1), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2023.1.2


Farisandy, E. D., Yulianto, A., Kinanti, A. D., & Ayu, B. A. 2023. "The Effect of Self-Compassion on Academic Burnout in Undergraduate Students". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 6(1), pp. 12–20. viewed 30 June 2023, https://culturehealth.org/ijsa_archive/ijsa.2023.1.2.pdf


Farisandy E. D., Yulianto A., Kinanti A. D., & Ayu B. A. The Effect of Self-Compassion on Academic Burnout in Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2023 [cited 30 June 2023]; 6(1): 12–20. Available from: https://culturehealth.org/ijsa_archive/ijsa.2023.1.2.pdf https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2023.1.2

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