Revisiting Learner-Centered Ideology, Management, and Paradigm
Ignacio A. Jr. G.1.
1 College of Education, Bulacan State University, Philippines



As we know, the educational curriculum refers to academic content taught in schools or a collection of lessons, assessments, or a particular program or course taken on by students (Alanazi, 2016). Granting it is essential to note what a curriculum will achieve, what students will do and use to learn, and what teachers will use to teach the class; however, as to Crowley (2021), the curriculum is in no way neutral—it, at all times, mirrors ideological views.
From a learner-centered ideology, it is presumed that education manifests itself in drawing out people's inherent goodness and capabilities for growth (Schiro, 2013, pp. 5–6). As a teacher wanting to operate in this ideology, I believe the learners have their own abilities for growth. This ideology is all about bringing out the competency within them. On the other hand, classrooms are busy public places; events are unpredictable (Ming-tak & Wai-shing, 2008, pp. 10–11). This requires the teachers to develop their range of classroom management strategies. Setting up a classroom is an essential part of teaching and learning. It involves designing the classroom atmosphere, rules, and expectations (Williamson, 2008, p. 3). Granting there is no sole way of managing a wide array of classrooms, fruitful classroom management is tied to student engagement and empowerment (Honigsfeld & Cohan, 2014).

learner-centered ideology, learner-centered management, learning paradigm


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Crowley, C. B. (2021). Curriculum ideologies. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.

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Honigsfeld, A., & Cohan, A. (2014). Preface: The universal challenges of classroom management. In A. Honigsfeld, & A. Cohan (Eds.), Breaking the Mold of Classroom Management: What educators should know and do to enable student success (pp. xv–xviii). Rowman & Littlefield Education. 

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Williamson, J. A. (2008). Literacy in the student-centered classroom: A practical approach to setup, design, and implementation. Rowman & Littlefield Education.


Information about the author:

Ignacio Avelino Jr. G. –; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Faculty, College of Education, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines

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Ignacio, A. Jr. G. (2021). Revisiting learner-centered ideology, management, and paradigm. International Journal of Science Annals, 4(2), 50–52.


Ignacio, A. Jr. G., 2021. "Revisiting learner-centered ideology, management, and paradigm". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 4(2), pp. 50-52. viewed 25 December 2021,


Ignacio A. Jr. G. Revisiting learner-centered ideology, management, and paradigm. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2021 [cited 25 December 2021]; 4(2): 50-52. Available from:

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