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Focus and Scope
IJSA is a peer-reviewed and publishes Review Articles and Original Research in fields of Social Sciences, Psychology and Health Sciences. The Journal publishes articles that examine the pedagogical, psychological, medical interventions that may affect human development and its health. More


Section Policies


Published in
print and online
Archived Indexed


Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted for publication must go through the review process The Journal uses a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. More 


Plagiarism policy
The Editorial Office considers unacceptable the presence of plagiarism in the manuscripts. The Journal believes that the use of ideas and works of others without proper quotation is unfair and dishonest activity. More


Open Access Policy
The Journal provides immediate, open access to its content, based on the principle that public-based research supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. More


CrossMark Policy
IJSA participate in the CrossMark service using the CrossMark logo. IJSA is committed to maintaining published content and to alert readers to any changes to content, if and when they occur. Clicking the CrossMark logo on one of the pages of a website or publication in the IJSA, you will know its current status. For additional information on CrossMark, please visit the CrossMark website. 


Correcting, Retracting or Withdrawing Policies
In the event that the Journal’s Publisher or Editors are made aware of violations of academic integrity, the presence of plagiarism in a published IJSA article KRPOCH Publishing or IJSA Editorial Office should deal with these allegations, appropriately take action about retracting or correcting articles. IJSA follows the ethics flowcharts developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). IJSA is the COPE Member More

IJSA preserves electronic versions of all articles in the Journal’s Archive and the KRPOCH Publishing Repository.The Journal uses a distributed archiving system. IJSA allows libraries (Stanford Libraries, V.I.Vernadskiy National Library of Ukraine, etc.), scientometric databases, repositories and search engines (DOAJEndNote Click,  ResearchGateDimensionsOAJIZenodo,  Index Copernicus  etc.) to create permanent Journal archives in order to preserve and restore.
Publishing Ethics
«INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE ANNALS» adheres to high standards of Editorial Ethics. More 


KRPOCH Publishing, Editorial Office, and Editorial Board of the Journal do not always share the views and thoughts expressed in articles of IJSA. More


Privacy Statement
The names and data will not be transferred to third parties following the Personal Data Protection Law. More


License Terms
All Open Access Articles apply under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which allows unrestricted use, distribution and copying by any means ensuring proper citation of this original article. More


Journal information
Founder and publisher, history. More


Order the Journal
«INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE ANNALS» was founded with a charitable purpose for free distribution.
Printed version of IJSА is distributed in the territory of Ukraine by libraries, as well as to order in other countries


In co-operating with reviewers the Editorial Board of the Journal adheres to the next rules:
- presents to the reviewers instruction and recommendations from criticizing of manuscripts;
- provides reviewers the system of verification of degree of originality of the article;
avouches for reviewers confidentiality;
- presents possibility (right) to give up criticizing without explanation of reasons of refuse (except the set conflict of interests);
- examines criticizing as inalienable part of evaluation of scientific publication, which confirms high quality of the scientific articles.
Criticizing foresees work with those reviewers – experts of the Journal, which are the acknowledged specialists in the corresponding to the article sphere of knowledge. For this purpose release, except the members of Editorial Board co-operates with the wide circle of research workers from the different countries of the world. The article is accepted to printing only after her discussion on meeting of Editorial Board of the Journal at presence of positive review of reviewers and support of members of Editorial Board majority.


In co-operating with authors the Editorial Board of the Journal follows such rules:
- carries out all necessary measures for providing of quality of materials which are presented and subject to the next publication;
- provides the observance of the set mechanisms of criticizing of the articles, and also refutation or abolition of decisions, accepted by a release;
- necessarily informs the author of manuscript or about the acceptance of the article to printing, whether about the necessity of her revision, whether about the rejection of the article;
- gives the argued description of expert estimation of the article presented to printing;
- allows the authors to hold the copyright without restrictions;
- allows the authors to retain publishing rights without restrictions.


In co-operating with readers the Editorial Board of the Journal adheres to the next rules:
- gives to the readers the materials high-quality executed in intellectually-semantic and lingually-stylistic aspects;
- satisfies the requirements of readers in materials of both fundamental and applied character, both in theoretical and in the experimental-applied measuring;
- provides the real expectation of readers in relation to originality, novelty and actuality of materials, their readability and clearness.
Editors are responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts accepted for publication. Editors act in a balanced, objective and fair way while carrying out their expected duties, without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
The Editors pay particular attention to manuscripts with regard to organisational and legal support and to the socio-psychological characteristics of the original research participants, including vulnerable groups: women, children and adolescents, migrants, national minorities and disabled people.
Any reader or potential author has the opportunity to appeal to members of the Editorial Board for clarifying unclear professional questions that are relevant to the subject matter of the Journal by sending a letter to e-mail of KRPOCH Publishing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the Editorial Board: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  © 2018 – 2025 International Journal of Science Annals