Therapeutic Competencies in Reducing Emotional and Social Distress after Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Program
Sabra Zizi E. I. 1, Daigham Abdelmohsen I. 2


1 Fayoum University, Egypt
2 Minia University, Egypt



This study is interested in investigating how cognitive therapy training could help school psychologists to offer better help for students known with emotional and social problems. School psychologists are capable to help students with their psychological problems, as they spend relatively long time with them and know about their strengths and weaknesses as well. Adjustment in school environment is very important and has a great impact on student's overall adjustment and psychological health. Cognitive behavior therapy is known as an effective treatment for many of the psychological problems. Training could enhance cognitive behavior therapy skills and enable those psychologists to help students to cope with their emotional and interpersonal problems. Supervision is essential in learning cognitive behavior therapy. Despite the divergence in systems of psychotherapy, their goals and varied training practices, supervision remains the one component considered essential to all. This paper addresses the question: is a brief cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) training program enhances psychologist's skills as reflected in scores on Cognitive Therapy Skills scale and in helping students with emotional and social problems.





cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), emotional problems, social problems, CBT skills, cognitive therapy scale (CTS). 





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Information about the authors:

Sabra Zizi Elsayed Ibrahim –; Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt.

Daigham Abdelmohsen Ibrahim –; Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Minia University, Minia, Egypt.




Cite this article as:


Sabra, Z. E. I., & Daigham, A. I. (2020). Therapeutic Competencies in Reducing Emotional and Social Distress after Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Program. International Journal of Science Annals, 3(1), 55–56.


Sabra, Z. E. I., & Daigham, A. I., 2020. "Therapeutic Competencies in Reducing Emotional and Social Distress after Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Program". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 3(1), pp.55–56. viewed 30 June 2020,,ijsa_No_1,_2020-7.pdf


Sabra Z. E. I., Daigham A. I. Therapeutic Competencies in Reducing Emotional and Social Distress after Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Program. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2020 [cited 30 June 2020]; 3(1):55–56. Available from:,ijsa_No_1,_2020-7.pdf

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