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Perception of Students on Online Self-Assessment Tool in Anatomy During COVID-19 Crisis
Chakrabarti S.1Vidya B. M.1
1 Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India



Background and Aim of Study: As anatomy subject is the basis of the MBBS curriculum, it’s clear understanding and knowledge is needed. Syllabus of anatomy is vast and also volatile, to summarise large amounts of facts and train students for acquisition of the skills, we believe that students learn by practice. Due to COVID-19 crisis on educational system online learning and assessment of students has become a preferable replacement of conventional in person teaching and learning. The aim of the study: to determine the perception of first year MBBS students on online self-assessment tool in anatomy, to evaluate their academic achievements during COVID-19 crisis. 
Material and Methods: The present study included 50 students of first year MBBS of Saveetha Medical College. Steps to conduct the aim for divided in two google forms, one contains challenging questions on the topic Lungs and Heart and other was a questionnaire to know the students’ perception on this online assessment tool. 
Results: It was observed that majority of the students have attempted the first google form and have also performed really well in it. 80% of the students were successful in giving the right answer for the questions given. In the second google form, which was a questionnaire, 85% of the students have found this online self-assessment to be really useful, interesting and easy way of learning. They found the questions to be challenging and help them to remember the topic in a long run. 91% of the students have liked the way of learning. 
Conclusions: Online self-assessment tool definitely proved to be a student friendly method of learning. This method gave them a way to learn and practice their subject topics as well as helped them in improving their perception and memory.
education, students, perception, memory, anatomy, COVID-19

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Information about the authors:

Chakrabarti Sudakshina –; Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Anatomy, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India.
Vidya Bhansali Miss –; Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India

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Chakrabarti, S., & Vidya, B. M. (2020). Perception of Students on Online Self-Assessment Tool in Anatomy During COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal of Science Annals, 3(2), 16–22.


Chakrabarti, S., & Vidya, B. M., 2020. "Perception of Students on Online Self-Assessment Tool in Anatomy During COVID-19 Crisis”, authors Batuchina A., Straksiene G.". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 3(2), pp.16–22. viewed 20 December 2020,


Chakrabarti S., Vidya B. M. Perception of Students on Online Self-Assessment Tool in Anatomy During COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2020 [cited 20 December 2020]; 3(2):16–22. Available from:

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