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Digitalisation Factors Influencing the Dynamic Capabilities of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Healthcare Sector
Makelana, P.1, Kekwaletswe, R.2, & Segooa, M. A.1
1 Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
2 University of Johannesburg, South Africa



Background and Aim of Study: Digitalization is problematized as one of the ways to improve dynamic capabilities of healthcare sector small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in their strive to stay competitive in today’s digital society. Digitalisation and dynamic capability are current key issues in both academia and practice due to the recent advances in information and communication technologies. Nonetheless, there is inadequate research informing what and why digitalisation can be leveraged to enhance the dynamic capabilities (DC), in the context of SMEs in healthcare sector. 
The aim of the study: to explore and explain factors influencing DC of healthcare SMEs in South Africa.
Material and Methods: The study employed task-technology fit theory as a lens to explain digitalisation factors influencing the DC of SMEs. To achieve the aim of the study, a deductive approach was followed. The study population was healthcare sector SMEs, in South Africa. The sampling frame was 384 randomly selected SMEs, in a self-administered survey.
The empirical results show that SME performance (β=0.132, p<0.05), task-technology fit (β=0.052, p<0.05), internet access (β=0.235, p<0.05), customer service (β=0.057, p<0.05), information sharing (β=0.022, p<0.05), innovation (β=0.125, p<0.05), and data security (β=0.427, p<0.05) are highly significant in the digitalisation of DC of SMEs. While cost saving (β=0.178, p>0.05) was found to be less significant.
 Conclusions: The study has explained and shown that appropriating technology to task during digitalisation is key to enhancing dynamic capabilities, in the context of South African healthcare sector SMEs. The cost of digital technology is a none factor. Subsequently, digitalization is a people-driven transformation journey.



digitalisation, dynamic capabilities, task-technology fit, small and medium enterprises, healthcare sector, South Africa



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Information about the authors:

Makelana Penuel (Corresponding Author); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Doctor of Computing, Lecturer, Department of Informatics, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.

Kekwaletswe Ray; Professor, School of Management, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Segooa Mmatshuene Anna; Doctor of Computing, Lecturer, Department of Informatics, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.

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Makelana, P., Kekwaletswe, R., & Segooa, M. A. (2024). Digitalisation factors influencing the dynamic capabilities of small and medium enterprises in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Science Annals, 7(1), 42–50.


Makelana, P., Kekwaletswe, R., & Segooa, M. A. 2024. "Digitalisation factors influencing the dynamic capabilities of small and medium enterprises in the healthcare sector". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 7(1), pp. 42–50. viewed 30 June 2024,


Makelana P., Kekwaletswe R., & Segooa M. A. Digitalisation factors influencing the dynamic capabilities of small and medium enterprises in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2024 [cited 30 June 2024]; 7(1): 42–50. Available from:

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