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Behavioral Tendencies of Single Parent Students
Usakli H.1 

 1 Sinop University, Turkey



Background and Aim of Study: A Family is social unit of two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption and having a shared commitment to the mutual relationship. The definition of single parent is someone who has a child or children but no husband, wife, or partner who lives with them. Death of a partner and divorce are main causes of being single parent. Children are affected by divorce in many different ways, varying by the circumstances and age of the child. Children whose ages are seven to twelve are much better at expressing emotions and accepting parentage breakage, but often distrust their parents, rely on outside help and support for encouragement, and may manifest social and academic problems. The aim of the study: to find out teachers opinion of single parents’ students’ behavioral tendency. 
Material and Methods: This qualitative study represents 30 teachers’ opinions on single parent students’ problems.
Results: Not only in deep theoretical framework but also recent studies underline the importance of healthy family relation on child wellbeing. Every child may have potential for single parent in nowadays society. Experienced elementary teachers claim that single parent students are more submissive and aggressive. In addition of this, they are less assertive when comparing to their two parents counterparts. 
Conclusions: Not only school psychologists and guidance practitioners but also teachers and school principles should be aware of the potential single parent students’ needs. Being more assertive or aggressive creates fewer opportunity for single parent students. Productive society will be raised with only equal sublimation of all children’s developments. 





single parent students, elementary teachers, behavioral tendencies; assertiveness; aggressiveness; submissiveness. 





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Information about the author:

Usakli Hakan –; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education; Sinop University; Sinop; Turkey. 




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Usakli, H. (2018). Behavioral tendencies of single parent students. International Journal of Science Annals, 1(1-2), 21– 27.


Usakli, H., 2018. "Behavioral tendencies of single parent students". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 1(1-2), pp.21-27. viewed 30 November 2018,


Usakli, H. Behavioral tendencies of single parent students. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2018 [cited 30 November 2018];1(1-2):21-27. Available from:

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