Training of Future Specialists in Higher Educational Institutions
Melnyk Yu. B.1,2, Pypenko I. S.2,3
1 National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Ukraine
2 Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”, Ukraine
3 Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH, Ukraine
Background and Aim of Study: The research deals with studying issues concerning training of specialists in high school and the student’s role in this process. The perspective trends of training specialists in higher educational institutions are determined. They relate to such, where the university is a configuration part of much bigger establishments and processes and where it corresponds to the social and individual demands of the youth. The aim of the study: to ascertain competences, pedagogic technologies and methods, demanded by cadets and students, as well as to forecast perspective trends of studying in higher educational institutions.
Material and Methods: A set of methods is used to study issues of training specialists in high school: collection of information, systematisation, rating assessment, analysis and results interpretation. The dispersion coefficient of Kendall concordance is calculated, its significance is proved on the basis of determining Pirson’s criterion for the significance level of 5% and 1%. The research was held in the academic years of 2013-2018 on the basis of National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine within the framework of the subject “University Education”. The average number of respondents was 535 people (35 groups), who studied at the Humanities Faculty, Technical Faculty, the Faculty of Economics and Management.
Results: It is specified that there is a tendency of decreasing number of students who want to study in higher educational institutions. The demand of the student youth is determined for competences, pedagogic technologies and methods which are mostly required in high school. It is proposed to specify competences classification and content of the notions “professional competences” and “special competences”.
Conclusions: On the basis of modern scientific and technical achievements, application of educational logistics and social demand, the main tendencies and future trends of training specialists in higher educational institutions in IT-sphere, technical, military, economic, medical and educational fields are forecast.
high school, training of specialists, student youth, professional competences, special competences, educational logistics.
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Information about the authors:
Melnyk Yuriy Borysovych –; Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy; National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine; Founder and Chairman of the Board, Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Pypenko Iryna Sergiivna –; Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor, Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
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Melnyk, Yu. B., & Pypenko, I. S. (2018). Training of future specialists in higher education institutions. International Journal of Science Annals, 1(1-2), 4–11.
Melnyk, Y. B. & Pypenko, І. S., 2018. "Training of Future Specialists in Higher Educational Institutions". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 1(1-2), pp.4-11. viewed 30 November 2018,
Melnyk Y. B., Pypenko І. S. Training of Future Specialists in Higher Educational Institutions. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2018 [cited 30 November 2018];1(1-2):4-11. Available from: