Implementation of Interactive Teaching Methods in the Process of Developing Professional-Communicative Proficiency of Future Pilots
Kumpan O. O.1, Kharlamova L. S.1

 1 Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Ukraine



Background and Aim of Study: The research deals with the methods of interactive teaching techniques implementation and their effectiveness assessment during professional language training of future pilots. These techniques are not only aimed to improve language proficiency, but ensure professional expertise and its implementation in the future professional activity. The aim of the study: to define professional language proficiency, to determine and describe interactive teaching methods able to facilitate in developing language skills that meet ICAO language proficiency requirements. 
Material and Methods: The systematic collection and analysis of all subjective and objective information necessary to define and validate defensible curriculum purposes that satisfy the language learning requirements of students within the context of particular institutions that influence the learning and teaching situation are made. Holistic descriptors and language proficiency assessment scale developed by ICAO are studied. Innovative teaching approaches and methods are studied and implemented. Interactive teaching techniques are implemented and the results are assessed during the training course on Aviation English. 
Results: Recent studies have proved that methods based on interaction considerably increase students’ motivation, willingness to learn, improve and expedite language skills acquisition and facilitate in their successful implementation in real situations. 
Conclusions: The demands for language proficiency defined by ICAO are not limited by merely knowledge of a set of grammar rules, vocabulary and ways of pronouncing sounds. It is a complex interaction of that knowledge with a number of skills and abilities, which can be developed through interactive teaching methods.





language proficiency, interactive learning, interactive methods, role play, case study, brainstorming, multimedia learning





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Information about the author: 

Kumpan Olena Oleksandrivna –; Senior Lecturer; Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages Department; Flight Academy of National Aviation University; Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.

Kharlamova Liliia Stepanivna; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department; Flight Academy of National Aviation University; Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.




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Kumpan, O. O., & Kharlamova, L. S. (2019). Implementation of Interactive Teaching Methods in the Process of Developing Professional-Communicative Proficiency of Future Pilots. International Journal of Science Annals, 2(1-2), 12–18.


Kumpan, O. O., & Kharlamova, L. S. , 2019. "Implementation of Interactive Teaching Methods in the Process of Developing Professional-Communicative Proficiency of Future Pilots". International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 2(1-2), pp.12–18. viewed 30 November 2019,,ijsa_No_1-2,_2019-2.pdf


Kumpan O. O., Kharlamova L. S. Implementation of Interactive Teaching Methods in the Process of Developing Professional-Communicative Proficiency of Future Pilots. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2019 [cited 30 November 2019]; 2(1-2):12–18. Available from:,ijsa_No_1-2,_2019-2.pdf


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