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Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of University Students Influenced by War
Melnyk Y. B. 1,2, Stadnik A. V. 1,3, Mykhaylyshyn U. B. 3, Vveinhardt J. 4,5, De Frias C. M. 6,7, Pypenko I. S. 1,2
1 Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”, Ukraine
2 Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH, Ukraine
3 Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
4 Institute of Sport Science and Innovations, Lithuania
5 Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuania
6 University of Alberta, Canada
7 MacEwan University, Canada



Background and Aim of Study: The current situation in Ukraine, where active hostilities are taking place, has had a significant impact on students’ mental health and life satisfaction.
The aim of the study: to identify the impact of war on the mental health and life satisfaction of university students.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted in Ukraine in November 2024. A total of 219 students between the ages of 18 and 35 were surveyed. Respondents were divided into two groups. Group 1 (n=107): those who had been temporarily displaced (in Ukraine and in EU countries), including 20.6% of men and 79.4% of women. Group 2 (n=112): those who had not left their usual place of residence (Ukraine without active hostilities), including 21.4% of man and 78.6% of women. The mental health and life satisfaction of university students influenced by war were assessed using three psychological measures: the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7).
Results: The SWLS, PHQ-9, and GAD-7 scores showed high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.827 to 0.961) in both groups of students. Significant negative correlations of high / moderate strength were found between the SWLS and PHQ-9 depression symptoms / the GAD-7 anxiety disorder. Students who had been internally displaced were extremely dissatisfied (13.1%) and dissatisfied (23.4%) with their lives. These levels of dissatisfaction are almost one-third higher than those who did not leave their usual place of residence (8.9% and 17.9%, respectively). Further detailing of mental health features revealed the presence of depression and anxiety among all the studied groups of students. At the same time, severe depression (8.4%), moderately severe depression (29.0%), and severe anxiety (20.6%) were almost twice as common among students in Group 1 as among students in Group 2 and require psychological support.
Conclusions: The war had the greatest impact on the mental health and life satisfaction of students who were forced to seek refuge at home and abroad. The data obtained calls for developing and implementing appropriate social and psychological support methods for students affected by the war. These methods should be comprehensive and involve the integration of psychological support into the structure of universities, including individual and group counselling, crisis intervention, psychological training, and student support programmes.



mental health, life satisfaction, anxiety, depression, students, temporarily displaced persons, war



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Information about the authors:

Melnyk Yuriy Borysovychhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8527-4638; Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Affiliated Associate Professor; Chairman of Board, Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health” (KRPOCH); Director, Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH, Ukraine.

Stadnik Anatoliy Volodymyrovychhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1472-4224; Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, Affiliated Associate Professor, Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine.

Mykhaylyshyn Ulyana Bohdanivnahttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0225-8115; Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor; Head of the Department of Psychology, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine.

Vveinhardt Jolitahttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6231-9402; Doctor of Social Sciences, Full Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Sport Science and Innovations, Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuania.

De Frias Cindyhttps://orcid.org/0009-0005-0501-3833; Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, University of Alberta, MacEwan University, Canada.

Pypenko Iryna Sergiivna (Corresponding Author)https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5083-540X; Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.; Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Affiliated Associate Professor, Secretary of Board, Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”; Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH, Ukraine.

Cite this article as:


Melnyk, Y. B., Stadnik, A. V., Mykhaylyshyn, U. B., Vveinhardt, J., De Frias, C. M., & Pypenko, I. S. (2024). Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of University Students Influenced by War. International Journal of Science Annals, 7(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2024.2.6


Melnyk, Y. B., Stadnik, A. V., Mykhaylyshyn, U. B., Vveinhardt, J., De Frias, C. M., & Pypenko, I. S. "Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of University Students Influenced by War." International Journal of Science Annals, [online] 7(2), pp. 1–11. viewed 25 December 2024, https://culturehealth.org/ijsa_archive/ijsa.2024.2.6.pdf


Melnyk Y. B., Stadnik A. V., Mykhaylyshyn U. B., Vveinhardt J., De Frias C. M., & Pypenko I. S. Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of University Students Influenced by War. International Journal of Science Annals [Internet]. 2024 [cited 25 December 2024]; 7(2): 1–11. Available from: https://culturehealth.org/ijsa_archive/ijsa.2024.2.6.pdf https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2024.2.6

  © 2018 – 2025 International Journal of Science Annals
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa